What is a curandero/a

What is a Curandero or Curandera?

A curandero or curandera is an essential figure in many cultures and traditions, someone who possesses the innate gift of healing, guided by a deep connection to nature, the universe, and ancestral wisdom. Although there are various forms and specializations, they all share a bond with life’s forces and a commitment to human and spiritual well-being.

The essence of a curandero/a

A curandero or curandera not only uses their natural abilities to heal but also embarks on a journey of learning and self-discovery. This journey involves facing personal limits, overcoming physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges, and cultivating a pure connection with life itself. Through this process, their consciousness expands to encompass not only humanity but the entire universe.

Diversity of practices

There are different types of curanderos, each focusing on a specific aspect of healing:

•Hueseros or sobadores: Specialists in healing the skeletal and muscular systems.

•Parteras: Assist and guide the miracle of childbirth.

•Curanderos of medicinal plants: Masters of nature’s wisdom who heal without manuals.

•Laying on of hands: Channel healing energy through touch.

•Prayer and thought: Heal through unspoken words, intentions, and vibrations.

In the Peruvian jungle, curanderos who work with medicinal plants are known as paleros. Their practice includes a strict diet, ingesting medicinal plants over many decades, repeatedly transcending the boundaries of life and death until achieving a unique connection with plant life, which teaches them to heal the body, soul, and spirit.

The path of the dieta

The training of a curandero or curandera is marked by the dieta, a strict and isolated regimen that connects the apprentice with nature and their own essence. The dieta involves consuming basic foods such as water, green plantains, and specific fish, while eliminating all external stimuli. Pure tobacco, known as mapacho, plays a central role—not as a habit but as a tool for clarifying thoughts and fostering spiritual connection.

During the dieta, the curandero learns to purify their body, master their thoughts, and overcome the distractions and challenges of modern society. This state of purity allows direct communication with medicinal plants and other forms of life, opening the door to universal knowledge.

The work of a curandero/a

A true curandero does not seek personal power but dedicates their life to the service of life itself. Their life is devoted to healing and preserving harmony between humans, nature, and the cosmos. Their learning never ends, as each day brings new lessons and challenges. They work with scientific rigor, guided by intuition born of a deep respect for the laws of life, nature, and cause and effect.

The contrast with a brujo/a

Unlike a curandero, a brujo uses their abilities to manipulate and cause harm. Where a curandero builds, a brujo destroys. It is essential to distinguish between the two, as their tools may appear similar, but their intentions are vastly different.

The legacy of curanderos

True curanderos are guardians of a universal wisdom that transcends time and cultural boundaries. They live with humility and discretion, dedicated to preserving life and passing on their knowledge. Their work serves as a reminder that healing is not merely physical but an integral act encompassing body, mind, and spirit.

As the saying goes, “By their fruits, you shall know them.” True curanderos are those who sow life, hope, and love in a world that yearns for healing.