Curandero working in life for life
Curandero, der arbejder i livet for livet
Your body and every cell that makes it up are a masterpiece of nature - the perfect example of coordination, strength, and beauty. Each of your cells works tirelessly to keep you alive, in well-being, and to allow you to think, feel, and create. The same force that drives your cells to survive and thrive is what moves all life in the universe: a vital impulse that connects plants, animals, humans, and the cosmos.
The human body is a complete system, designed to support you and give you the tools to be happy. Your thoughts, emotions, and decisions influence this balance, but even when you don’t notice it, your cells work for you, constantly building the well-being you need to live fully.
Life is a powerful and active force within you.
Happiness, peace, and love are not just emotional states; they are living energies present in every cell of your being. You hold the ability to reactivate these forces at any moment. You don’t need to wait until you are weak or sick to do so. Prevention, conscious care, and trust in your body are key to living in fullness.
Believe in the power of life.
Science, experience, and human wisdom are within your reach to help you overcome challenges and find your own truths. Everything is possible when you reconnect with your vital force and make decisions based on love, dignity, and responsibility.
Life is a gift to be enjoyed.
Living fully means eliminating unnecessary suffering, breaking free from the limitations that distance us from love and freedom, and finding happiness within yourself. Remember: no one owns anyone, and all relationships must be free and rooted in love. Life is too short to waste it on jealousy, guilt, or negative thoughts.
You are the starting point.
Everything you need to transform yourself and live in harmony is already within you. Every moment is an opportunity to rediscover yourself, unlock your potential, and live with gratitude. The universe is with you and within you. Now is the time to trust life, your body, and the love that surrounds you.
Live, feel, create, and enjoy the wonderful simplicity of being alive.
The great Master Joshua said: "their works you will know them"
El gran Maestro Joshua dijo: "Por sus obras los conoceran"
Den store Mester Joshua sagde: "På deres gerninger vil du kende dem"