Curandero working in life for life
Curandero, der arbejder i livet for livet
Practical Information
Your cells, each one of them, are a miracle of coherence and intelligence. Every cell in your body, as in all living beings, possesses an innate capacity for self-healing, repair, and a powerful inclination toward survival. But most importantly, your mind - your consciousness - is nothing but pure energy. This energy is never lost; it simply transforms. With this knowledge, you have the power to reprogram your body and start a new life. You decide, and we will be here to support you on this journey.
About Costs
The most valuable cost is that of your thoughts and intentions. They guide your life and your choices. We do not assign a price to our work because doing so would limit our intention of equality. We want everyone to have the same opportunity to access what we offer. If what we do does not help you, it costs you nothing. You determine the value of what you receive. Our intention is always to do our best to help you, working for life based on the principle that the economy is a tool, not a goal.
Our Ethics and Morals
We do not store private personal information beyond what is necessary for agreements. Every work is unique, private, and delivered in full. Life renews itself at every moment, and as you read this, your body is naturally updating itself. We work based on love, equality, respect, and dignity.
Appointments and Work Locations
We work by appointment only, without fixed schedules or specific days of service. We are present in Denmark, Greece, Germany, and Peru. Write to us at the provided email, and we will respond as soon as possible.
We are here to accompany you toward a life of abundance, health, love, knowledge, and spirit.
The great Master Joshua said: "their works you will know them"
El gran Maestro Joshua dijo: "Por sus obras los conoceran"
Den store Mester Joshua sagde: "På deres gerninger vil du kende dem"