Curandero working in life for life
Curandero, der arbejder i livet for livet
My God, Father, Mother, Life
My God, my Father, my Mother, my Life is not something to be sought outside. It lives within each of us, in our essence, in our being. You don’t need to believe, you don’t need to belong to any religion. You only need to be yourself, with your common sense, with the love and wisdom that already exist in your heart and spirit.
The first time I experienced its presence, it told me clearly: “Live life, enjoy life.” But I asked, how can I enjoy life when there is so much suffering in the world? It looked at me with love, without judgment, and its answer did not change. I understood that to live fully, with love and dignity, is our life.
My God, Father, Mother, Life does not want you to be on your knees. It does not want you to live humiliated or sacrificed. It wants you to walk upright, to look everyone directly in the eyes, with respect for yourself and for others. There are no hierarchies or enlightened masters to connect you to It. Everything you need is already within you. We are equals; we are all children of the same Light and Love. My God, Father, Mother, Life does not punish, does not reward, does not choose favorites.
Human Religions
All human religions, with their dogmas and rules, have separated humanity from the true divine essence. They have been used to control, to divide, to justify dark acts against life. But My God, Father, Mother, Life, the Universe, pure Love, has nothing to do with those institutions. My God, Father, Mother, Life is not fear or guilt. It is freedom, love, life.
Beings of Light and Love, our elder brothers in the Universe, do not impose, do not manipulate. They only suggest, with infinite love, so that we can make our decisions wisely. They respect our freedom because it is a human and divine essence. They invite us to be responsible, to live in harmony with everything around us.
Everything that lives is part of My God, Father, Mother, Life. The plants, the animals, the rivers, the stars… we are all one. Every being has something to teach us. Every being complements our human life. Our mission is simple: to work for life, for living, respecting the freedom and dignity of all.
It doesn’t matter your religion, your beliefs, your sexual orientation, your social situation, your economic status, or your past. My God, Father, Mother, Life, all beings of Light and Love, the medicinal plants, all ascended beings, and all our Elder Brothers accept you just as you are. What matters are your actions, your thoughts, your love for yourself and for others. Everything you do with pure love is part of My God, Father, Mother, Life.
The true temple is within you. Do not seek it in churches, rituals, or books. The Light, Love, and Life are already in your heart, waiting to be lived and shared.
Live life, enjoy life. Here and now. With respect, with joy, with love. That is your human and divine reality.
With all love,
Rafael Taricuarima Tamani
The great Master Joshua said: "their works you will know them"
El gran Maestro Joshua dijo: "Por sus obras los conoceran"
Den store Mester Joshua sagde: "På deres gerninger vil du kende dem"