Curandero working in life for life
Curandero, der arbejder i livet for livet
Science with Ancestral Traditions
Science, in its ceaseless quest for answers, engages in a dialogue with the deep roots of humanity. It is a bridge between the ancestral and the modern—a pathway where reason and spirituality converge to weave solutions that honor both the body and the spirit.
Rafael, as a living being, embodies this union. His work and learning echo millennia-old traditions spanning time and place: from the South American rainforest to the mysteries of ancient Egypt, from the legacy of Joshua Emmanuel to the healers in every corner of the world. For him, life, thought, and the body form an inseparable unity—a dance of energy, light, and love.
Each human being is a living book, a page in the history of humankind. Beyond our circumstances, we all share a common heritage: we are born of love, of light, and carry within us an instinctive drive toward life, preservation, and continual growth.
Rafael has received direct teachings from both visible and invisible mentors: beings of light, of love, and of history. He works in harmony with the Universe, with nature, with medicinal plants, and with the wisdom inscribed in our cells. His mission is not only to heal but also to awaken in others the potential to take responsibility for their own lives, to open themselves to the mystery of love, and to embrace the dignity of existence.
Life, says Rafael, is not free; it is a gift that demands constancy, sacrifice, and willpower. Everything we receive comes through our own merit and by the grace of a Universe that operates with infinite wisdom. Healing is not an isolated act but a collective one—an act of love, science, and dedication.
Rafael vividly recalls the days of his childhood, when freedom was the spirit of his community. Each person worked according to their gifts, and respect and joy were the guiding threads of daily life. These memories serve as his compass and the foundation of his work—a work that combines ancestral knowledge with modern scientific advances, always seeking a balance between tradition and innovation.
Today, more than ever, we need a shift in perspective. Humanity must recognize itself as part of an interconnected whole, assume its responsibility, and reject any system that oppresses or restricts. Institutionalized religions, Rafael says, have lost their connection to the divine. God does not dwell in temples nor require intermediaries; God exists in every being, in every cell, in every vibration of life.
The message is clear: we must return to the essence of life with respect, equality, and dignity. Science, spirituality, and ancestral wisdom must unite to create a world where solidarity prevails, where borders dissolve in love, and where we are all one with the Earth and the Cosmos.
Welcome in the name of life, light, and the purest love.
The great Master Joshua said: "their works you will know them"
El gran Maestro Joshua dijo: "Por sus obras los conoceran"
Den store Mester Joshua sagde: "På deres gerninger vil du kende dem"